quan·tum jump
1. a sudden alteration in the energy level of an atom or molecule
2. any sudden and extensive change or advance, as in a program or policy
3. the mental and physical effects of using Executive Function Skills to manage your motivation
Yellow Parachute guides your quantum jump from feeling unfulfilled to unstoppable.

Transform your Mindset, Skillset, and Habits With Executive Function Skills.
Make the Quantum JUMP from uninspired to unstoppable.

What is an Executive Function (EF) Skills Detective LensTM ?
An EF Skills Lens describes a list of 12 Skills that connect human thoughts and actions. We can use this list to examine patterns that aren’t working to pinpoint the skills to practice for change.
Detectives are curious rather than judgmental. They think methodically and look closely at the details for clues. These are the characteristics that describe the way we look for the root of the problem you are experiencing.
How Executive Function Skills Coaching Helps:
In partnership with the coach, the client removes obstacles and creates step-by- step success, using their vision and executive function and leadership skills as a guide. The process of planning, practicing, and adjusting builds confidence to show up as your favorite version of you in every aspect of your life!
EF Skills deficits show up in a wide variety of ways, and there is no “one size fits all” method for helping an individual improve. Our approach follows three basic steps for all of our clients:
1. Evaluate your personal satisfaction.
2. Build and practice a plan.
3. Get closer to who you want to become.
Thinking Skills

Learning Skills
(Skill Set)

Doing Skills

What is the philosophy of Quantum Jump Coaching?
Gaps in Executive Function are not personality flaws or character deficits.
Executive Function Skills can be learned; learning comes through (and only through) practice with support.
- Executive Function Skills Coaching has been proven to greatly improve the quality of life for everyone.
- The ADHD Iceberg Model below depicts the difference between behaviors that happen on the surface versus what is really happening.
- Early intervention using Quantum Jump coaching is essential to maintaining positive mindset and perseverance for all individuals, especially those with executive function difficulties.
ADHD Quirks

What is the Impact of Quantum Jump Coaching?
Quantum Jump clients report:
Increased confidence, relationship-building, and decision-making capabilities, in addition to a sense of safety in well-being.
- These reports stretch across all age demographics.
- Executive Function Skills and Leadership Development Coaching is a recommended first-line intervention.
- EF and Leadership Skills have been recommended before therapy* in helping individuals with performance gaps in everyday skills.
Coaching is for Everyone: Students, Parents, Teachers, Leaders, Teams!
Choose The Level of Connection You Need
High Connection
Ideal for: students and parents who are frustrated and students who need high support in managing motivation, talking through obstacles, and task initiation. More frequent meetings and check-ins create the opportunity to keep innovating the process to make sure it works for the student to help them meet their goals.
Medium Connection
Ideal for: students who are fairly self-sufficient in maintaining motivation and starting tasks independently. They seek assistance in breaking down tasks to achieve long-term objectives, alleviating stress or anxiety related to work and time management, and handling frequent schedule changes or appointments.
Light Connection
Ideal for: students who have strong skills in time management and task initiation and want a touch-base to talk through obstacles. They can self-monitor for stress and productivity levels and check in when they need it through the coaching portal. These students usually have a very specific goal in mind to accomplish.

How Does It Work?
Training and Coaching begin with building awareness.
Once you build awareness of what is most important, you will understand more about your current level of satisfaction and what you want to change. Then you will build the knowledge, skills, and plan to achieve it.
Wow, this sounds complicated. Maybe it’s not for me…
You’re right; it takes dedication and commitment. But each participant goes at their own pace, so you are not forced into ways of thinking that don’t work for you.
The key is finding what works for you. It takes time, but this discovery unlocks success now and for the rest of your life. When you do the work, you’ll achieve your goals!
What will we talk about?
We start with our proven coaching programming to make sure we’re doing what works best. Then we personalize it to meet you where you are. Then we guide you step by step to move toward where you want to be!
Among the questions you will answer are:
- What is your vision for what you want out of coaching?
- Who do you want to become tomorrow?
- What do you want your friends and family to say about you?
- What are the obstacles currently in your way?
- What small thing can you do today, to get closer to the person you want to become?
Coaching provides consistency and accountability for participants on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
- You will make choices that get you closer to the person you want to become.
- You will make a positive impact on the people around you, in all areas of your life!