Can we make this the summer of MINDSET?
Oh my goodness, families, the more time I spend studying what makes us successful in every aspect of our lives….it’s…you guessed it.
I’m going to use the “show don’t tell” approach, because I risk boring you with too many facts. If you want facts, email me and we’ll chat! But for those of you who want the quick version – may I ask you and your kids to watch this video? (Pretty please?)
Especially if your family struggles with doing little things around the house, forgetting details, chores, belongings, and planning, to name a few. It can be REALLY frustrating to lose time hunting for lost items or repeating ourselves.
So I propose a solution: Looking at the things you don’t do well through an Executive Function Lens can give you a HUGE mindset boost. I’ll let you answer the WHY for yourself and your family. We can compare answers later! Check it out – right now before you forget – and let us know what you think in the video’s comments.
Warning: it just may change your life!
Yours in the journey,
If you’re interested in reading more about Growth Mindset, here’s a book by the concept’s originator, Carol Dweck. Its worth a read!