Yellow Parachute Blog
Yellow Parachute’s Blog Mission
Our blog mission is to share the research and resources that inform our unique approach to coaching Executive Function Skills, to advocate for neurodiversity, and to uplift students, parents, educators, and leaders.
Don’t Give Up! – You Only Fail When You Stop Trying
What gets you out of bed in the morning? Find it! What are you working toward? Have you written down a vision? Something special happens in your brain when you put pen to paper to write down your [...]
The Secret to Success Is Getting Started
The secret to success is getting started. - Mark Twain I hope your celebrations were joyful, safe, and heart-filling, whether the 4th of July plans kept you local or venturing to visit family or friends you haven’t [...]
Do What Matters Most: Connect. Plan. Grow.
Are you a parent of a college student? You’ve helped them prepare for this next amazing step in their lives. Whether they are headed out of state for the first time or interning at their college residence [...]
The Cure for Comparison
Comparison can be deadly to our self-esteem. If we focus on what others do, we lose sight of why we do what we do. If, on the other hand, we turn it around and focus on why [...]
How My Why Helps Me
So, you'd think I would have it all figured out! Though Yellow Parachute is all about enacting and teaching a growth mindset to students, there are times when I forget to remember it for myself. Sometimes we [...]
How YP Learners Change the World
What makes a student capable of great impact and influence on the world? What can allow them to succeed and grow? We know it's not just about taking tests or doing homework, these things are not always [...]
Harness the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
First of all, your brain is amazing. And I’m not just saying that to be nice. Today’s scientific advancements enable us to observe the amazing activities happening in the brain that connect our conscious and subconscious minds -- and [...]
What Are You Really Doing When You Trust Your Gut?
Check out our new FREE Grit and Grace series! From mothers advocating for their children to ACT test-takers working hard to take their best tests, we repeat an emphatic, "Trust your gut." We're referring [...]
Stuck? Check In With Your Emotions
Check out our new FREE Grit and Grace series to find your Why! You’ve set your vision and your goals, and they’re connected to your WHY. You’re diligently working on your plan for the [...]
Learning How to Learn
Science has come a long way in understanding how the brain develops, changes, and learns. However, education programs as a whole have not yet caught up. So we see a big gap between what we know kids [...]
Why Yellow Parachute “Learning Partners”
What does the "Learning Partners" part of Yellow Parachute Learning Partners really mean? Today, Cara dives into what it means for you and for your kids. Being a learning partner isn't just knowing things or trying harder. [...]
The Evolution of Yellow Parachute, Our Philosophy, and Learning How to Learn
Join the evolution of Yellow Parachute, how it started, and how it has adapted and changed throughout the years. As a parent, Cara knows and understands the struggles and joys of learning and parenting, and now she [...]
The Place I Come From When I talk about “Grit & Grace”
I can’t go on that stage and talk about authenticity and courage when I don't feel authentic or brave. I just physically cannot do it. I’m not here so my business self can talk to their business selves. [...]
Listen To Your Own Voice
The richest experiences in our lives aren’t when we’re clamoring for validation from others but when we’re listening to our own voice—doing something that matters, doing it well, and doing it in the service of a greater cause. [...]
Fail Often, Fail Brilliantly. Fail Forward.
Failure is not just acceptable but necessary for growth. Yet many of us, who are currently parenting our beautiful children, have been conditioned to flee from failure, to avoid it at all costs. We avoid failure because, in [...]
Blast Off Into 2021 with a Family Vision Board
By now, you know there’s no magic wand that helps you and your family break all your bad habits. Instead, it takes knowing where you are, where you want to go, lots of practice, and a great support [...]
S.O.S. – Part 2
Last week’s closing left this message to our students: The answer is within YOU. I can point you in the right direction, but you’re going to have to take the next three steps...
I know this is a time in your life when you feel tossed around by your parents and sometimes even your friends. It may feel like there’s nothing you can control except the delightful escape to your phone. But though this escape may cause momentary relief, it hurts you in the long run...