The “it was never a dress” image is something that has always resonated with me… but during my family’s adventures with distance learning, it’s resonated with me in a way you might not expect. 

I have my Master’s degree in teaching. My first role at Yellow Parachute was as a Learning Coach, where I tutored many subjects, including English, organization and ACT Test prep. My degree is in education, I’ve tutored… THIS IS WHAT I DO FOR A LIVING. But, when it comes to my own kids, they don’t always want my help.

And for many of the families I speak with in my role as the Student Connector, the struggle is REAL in their homes when it comes to helping with homework. They reach out when the situation in their homes becomes a cycle of “they’re not happy, I’m not happy” which spins round and round.

Here’s where the “it was never a dress” image comes in. For many of us, we’re wearing our capes and trying to do it all. When it comes to helping kids with distance learning, helping them catch up in a subject where they may have fallen behind, or if your learner needs additional help tackling a subject they’re struggling with, we try to help them, but they often times just don’t listen to the instruction they’re receiving from their parents. 

I’ve been there. I feel your pain. My advice to you is to ditch the cape! You don’t have to be the one to fight the battles with your kids to help them in their distance learning… That’s where Yellow Parachute comes in. Learning is too precious an endeavor to waste on conflict between parent and child. At Yellow Parachute, your Learning Coach will jump in to relieve parent/student stress, provide weekly tutoring sessions, and equip families with tools to transform their relationships on the path to a student’s success.

In my role as the Student Connector, it is my job to walk your family through the CLICK process, where we guarantee a match that will click, for exponential student growth. Once the Learning Coach is in place you’ll have a trusted professional who will take the work of ensuring your kiddo is on track with learning. So you can make space for what matters most with them right now – your relationship. 

And trust me… your kids will listen to, and take direction from, their Learning Coach better than they do from you!

For more helpful insights visit the new Parent Resources page on You can also download our Wheel of Life tool to start creating momentum today!

Jenny McKeand
Student Connector
Yellow Parachute Learning Partners