Teachers + Education Leaders

Quantum JUMP

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life

Transform your teaching and classroom culture when you use an Executive Function and Leadership Skills Lens.

Teachers and Ed Leaders

Quantum JUMP

Quantum Jump

Transform your life and achieve your goals.

Executive Function + Leadership Skills for Teachers

Use an Executive Function and Leadership Skills Lens to Shine a Light on Creativity in Your Classroom

After 25 years of helping families fill gaps for their children in “how to learn,” we have created workshop experiences that bring knowledge, tools, and strategies to teachers.

Quantum Jump will help you better understand how to connect with your students about their strengths and challenges, feel empowered to help them get what they need to learn best, and build positive classroom and school culture by building leadership and accountability.

We use science-backed strategies to help educators realize the heart and art of teaching.

Remember why you became a teacher?

You went into education because you wanted to make a difference in the lives of others; now you wonder if that is possible. You may also wonder if it is worth the cost of your own mental and physical health. If you relate to these statements, you are not alone.

The top teacher burnout statistics of 2023

  • K-12 teachers are the #1 most burnt-out profession in The United States
  • 44% of teachers in K-12 school report often or always feeling burnout
  • 90% of teachers claim that feeling burnt out is a serious problem
  • Over half of teachers say they will leave teaching sooner than originally planned
  • There are 500,000+ fewer educators in the American public school systems post-pandemic
  • 44% of public schools posted teaching vacancies in early 2022
  • 43% of educator job postings are going unfilled

The Classroom Experience

Student Engagement is Down, and Disruptions and Mental Health Concerns are Up

National education surveys support teachers’ concerns.

Students desperately need support in both learning and social-emotional skills. Executive Function Skills create the path to guide positive learning and culture shifts.

Most common distractions to student learning from 2020 to 2023

  • Classroom disruptions

    from student misconduct (56 percent)

  • Acts of disrespect

    towards teachers and staff (48 percent)

  • Rowdiness

    outside of the classroom (48 percent)

  • The prohibited use of electronic devices (42 percent)

Public schools reported needing more support for student and/or staff in the areas of:

  • Mental health (79 percent)
  • Training on supporting students’ socio-emotional development (70 percent)
  • Training on classroom behavior management strategies (50 percent)

You Can Open Students’ Minds To New Possibilities

Practicing Executive Function Skills Builds SEL Competencies and How To Learn Skills

There’s lots going on in the figure below and for good reason. Executive Function Skills can help students build the essential skills of how to learn and SEL competencies, creating the opportunity for Academic Mindsets to thrive.

In addition to guiding your classroom practices, you will receive Executive Function and Leadership Skills resources with parents. You will help parents focus on what matters most for homework routines and their students’ personal growth!

Ready to transform your teaching?

Unlock Your True Potential

We are ready to jump in with you.

Team with colleagues to engage your students by helping them discover their unique strengths and challenges.

Support them in removing obstacles and practicing skills to help them succeed in school now, make future college and career choices, and support their mental health and well being in years to come. Book a consultation today to learn about your options!